Translation Differences

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Thanks to KWhazit, and on, etc., etc.



Character Names and Speech

  • Crono is the same.
  • Marle's formal name, Nadia, is "Marledia" or equivalent spelling.
  • Lucca is the same.
  • Frog is Kaeru, a pun as it can both mean "Frog" and "to change."
  • Robo is the same.
  • Ayla is the same.
  • Magus is Maou, translated to "Demon King" and originating as a concept in Buddhism of obstacles that prevent one from achieving enlightenment. The true intent is that as "demon king", Magus leads the Mystics (translated roughly to "demons" in the Japanese version).

In the JP version, Ayla uses the same caveman talk, althoug she has a special nickname for Crono called Cro. She uses this almost exclusively, and in the game's code, it is denoted in dialogue with the tag {crononick}. Frog was radically changed in the NA version from his original characterization; he did not speak formally and was not the cookie cutter white knight, instead having more of a activous tone. The horrible Elizebethan English of the NA game made Frog seem somewhat of a flowery buffoon; the transition to real dialogue makes him much more serious and real. He was also not afraid to call Magus a pale-faced bastard, or Ayla an idiot for believing him a meal. A good example of his attitude is found in the End of Time dialogue. "Frog: Nothing's going anywhere if you don't have a guy who's good with a sword, right?"

Thirdly, Robo and the other robots spoke in a certain way that can be compared to HAVING SOMETHING IN ALL CAPS in English. Robo specifically had trouble with pronouns and suffixes; in the Retranslation, this is represented by certain parts of words being expressed in all caps. Coming in fourth, it is worth noting that through formal Japanese, Lucca was much more reverent and humble towards Marle before the latter expressed her dislike of formal titles. Finally, Magus was a bit more scathing and reserved. He noted the "weak die like worms" when speaking of Crono's death at the hands of Lavos.

Religious / Entity References

These constitute a separate section than chapter notes mainly because they occur throughout the game. The planet is personified as a higher being in the game. Other references include Magus and Lavos being referred to as demons or gods.

  • Chapter 04: The Queen is Gone - A reference to Magus as the Mystics' savior was removed, along with a fake nun's reference to a "Lord".
  • Chapter 19: Break the Seal! - Belthasar notes that the mission will succeed only if time travelers unite for the sake of the planet. This was shortened to "only by mastering you stand a chance against Lavos" in the English version.
  • Chapter 25: The Fated Hour - In the Japanese version, Robo postulated that the Entity was a larger existence. This was changed to "something beyond our comprehension."


For those out of the loop, sake is Japanese rice wine. Numerous references to it were removed or replaced by tamer drinks. For instance, Ayla invites the party to drink sake in the Japanese version, whereas she merely says "Come eat" in the NA ROM. Toma orders cider instead of sake in the English version of the Truce Inn, while the Carpenter is told by the Choras Innkeeper that he's had too much sugar for hte day, rather than too much alcohol.



There are many mundane differences; consult the Retranslation script for these. Important meanings are denoted here.

  • Yasha (Crono's Sword)

KWhazit helps: I've had the hardest time trying to figure out what 'yasha' really means. Several dictionaries define it as a female demon or she-devil, some putting female in brackets to indicate that it's not necessarily female but generally is. Some sources refer to a mythical fearsome creature in Buddhism. Several sources on Japanese mythology say they're vampire bats thought to be reincarnated from women consumed by anger. Still others indicate a vampiress. My best guess is that the demonic meaning comes from Buddhism in general, and that the notion of angry women and bats came from mixing with Japanese culture, so than in Japan at least, it's some of all of the above. I'll have to try asking around to confirm this, but I figure the concept of 'yasha', like creatures in Westen mythology, isn't cleary defined even for natives. But it looks as though it would generally include the notions of evil, vampiric, and female.

  • Onimaru (Crono's Sword)

KWhazit helps: Onimaru would probably be 鬼丸 in kanji. 鬼 is a certain type of demon generally depicted as a large muscular humanoid with horns. 丸 just means circle. Many older Japanese male given names end in 丸, so there's a good chance that it's a name, possibly referring to some swordsmith or historical figure I don't know of.

  • Suzaku (Crono's Sword)

KWhazit helps: Suzaku is one of the four mythological Chinese gods who govern the four quadrents of the sky, Suzaku (朱雀 in kanji) appears as a firebird and rules over fire and the southern sky.

  • Masamune

Contrary to popular belief, the Masamune did not originate in the Japanese version. Some people assert that it did, and relate Chrono Trigger to being a loose part of the Final Fantasy franchise for this reason. In fact, the Masamune was a name change done in the English translation. It was originally the Grandleon.

  • Platinum Items

Many items preceded by "Platinum" and a couple preceded by "Silver" were changed to "Lode" items.

  • Memory Cap, Sight Cap

KWhazit helps: This doesn't translate well. まどわず (madowazu) is the verb 惑う (madou), to be puzzled, in an archaic negative form. So it basically means "not being puzzled". That's then used to describe a hat to get the full name of the item. It's cleaner to say something like "Clarity Hat", but not quite as accurate, since the original emphasizes what's being prevented. Even "Calm Hat" is pretty close, and that's short enough to fit in the NA version. わすれず (wasurezu) is the verb 忘れる (wasureru), to forget, in an archaic negative form. So it basically means "not forgetting". That's then used to describe a hat to get the full name. "Memory Cap" is a pretty good way to handle it, but it loses the emphasis the original has on what's being prevented.

  • Echigoya's Wallet

KWhazit helps: The Mitsui Echigoya is a large and prosperous merchant group in Japan, dating back to the dry goods store Echigoya, which was established in 1673.

  • Doppel-kun

The original name for the clone, doppel is short for doppelganger and -kun is an honorific given to young males.

Item Descriptions

  • Power Meal

English: Recovers from «?»
Original: ? recovery / single

The US translation is a little erroneous. It sounds like it cures some kind of status effect, when the original means an unknown recovery. It unpredictably recovers either some HP or some MP for a single character.

  • Prism Helm

The Prism Helm ups Magic Defense +9, not Defense as the translation erroneously suggests.


  • Luminaire (Shining)

The note that this was the greatest holy attack was removed.

Tech Descriptions

  • Seductive Trick

The description for this is approximated. KWhazit helps: ウワ~ン (UWA~N) isn't a word. It's probably a sound effect. My guess is it's spoosed to be a sexy noise. So it's "UWA~N one enemy."


  • Lab 16 and 32 were originally Ruins #16 and #32.
  • Cathedral was originally Manoria Abbey.
  • Ozzie's Fort was originally Vinegar's Manor.
  • Magus' Lair and Tyrano Lair were originally Magus Castle and Tyran Castle.
  • Fiona's Villa was originally Fiona's Hut.
  • Proto Dome was originally Promethe Dome, probably referring to Prometheus (Robo).
  • Keeper's Dome actual name is closer to Guardian's Dome (no relation to Guardia).
  • Geno Dome was originally Genocidome, a play on words.
  • Sun Keep was originally Shrine of Light; Sun Palace was originally Sun Temple.
  • Dactyl Nest was originally Pteran Nest.
  • Chanting Mt. was originally Singing Mountain, of course!
  • Ocean Palace was originally Ocean Floor Temple Bimarna.
  • Last Village was originally Spared Village, which makes more sense.
  • Black Omen was originally Black Dream.
  • Vortex Pt was originally Cape Swirl.
  • Skyway and Land Bridge were originally Road to Sky and Road to Earth, respectively.
  • Laruba ruins was originally Laruba Village's Burnt Remains.

Chapter 01: The Millennial Fair

Marle Foreshadowing

Marle was directly foreshadowed as being present at the Millennial Fair in the Japanese version. This text was trimmed during translation.

 [Young Woman]
   Hard to believe Guardia is now 1000
   years old, and our King is the XXXIII
   descendant to the throne!

   But how can he rule a kingdom when
   he can't even control his own
 [Young Woman]
   Hey, you know? It's 1000 years this year since
   Guardia Kingdom here was formed. The current
   King Guardia, our king now in other words, is the

   And the root of that king's worries is the princess,
   his only daughter.

   They say she's an incredible tomboy.
   I wonder if she isn't making a big fuss in the castle
   about now, something like "I wanna go to the
   festival too!"

Chapter 02: The Queen Returns

Time Joke

The knight's hatred of gossip could have been inferred as a temporal joke in the Japanese version.


   I grow so tired of the gossip around

   Sheesh, those women love their gossip no matter
   when the era.

Chapter 03: The Queen Is Gone

Gossiper's Promise

A promise by the gossiping woman not to tell anyone was left out of the translation.

   Oooh! We can't let this juicy tidbit out
   of the castle!
   Oh my goodness, it would awful if that came to light!
   I didn't hear a thing.

The Cook's Wife

The maid present in the kitchen was meant to be the chef's wife, though Woolsey omitted this fact in the translation.

MAID: Here's your food!
Wife: Here ya go, thanks for waiting!

Pipe and a Crepe?

Instead of ice cream, Marle originally demanded a crepe from the chef. Ice cream was probably deemed more recognizable to western audiences.

   This is no place for kids!

   Wait! Maybe you'd know!
   What's this «Eyes Cream» stuff that
   Queen Leene wants so badly?
   No amateurs in the kitchen!

   But what the heck's a crepe, what the Queen says
   she wants to eat?

Chapter 06: Beyond the Ruins

Belthasar Revelation

In the NA version, a woman warns that some crackpot lives in a dome on the southern continent. What was totally missed is that Belthasar not only lives in this dome -- he created it. This tidbit not only adds to the legend of Belthasar's ingenuity, but validates the notion of his creating the sealed doors in 2300 A.D. for the heroes' later use.

   There's an old man living in a dome
   near «Death Peak.»
   Talk about crackpots!
   There's an old man who built a dome near Death
   Mountain and keeps watch like some odd hobby.

Rat Warning

In the NA version, the rat notes that you shouldn't mess up the button combination to access the Day of Lavos. This line was mangled from the Japanese, which said that if you had changed button assignments in the status menu, you'd have to figure out the button sequence on your own.

RX-XR's Exuberance

In the Japanese version, the racing score robot RX-XR is named Rinse, and displays the personality of a giggly, excited girl. She uses hyperbole when exclaiming amazement at high scores. This was completely lost in the translation.

Robo Dialogue

In the NA version, Marle says "Hate em!" in reference to formal titles while Lucca is convincing Robo not to use them. In the JP version, she simply nods, although there does exist comparable dialogue that should have been used. Also, Lucca does not come out and directly ask what happened to the people at the Proto Dome; she rather begins a question, but is interrupted when Robo notices an absence of humans.

Belthasar's Warning

In the NA version, Belthasar warns that the party cannot climb Death Peak until the time is right and the Poyozos show them the way. In the JP version, Belthasar told them that unless they were those "people" (the heroes), they could not climb the mountain -- at least not in its present state, meaning Belthasar was probably still preparing the Poyozo dolls.


   You MUST NOT climb Death Peak!

   Wouldn't make it very far, anyway!
   It has to be the right time...
   ...and...THEY...have to show you the
Old Man: You mustn't!

   You musn't go!

   You mustn't go, not to Death Mountain!

   Well, actually, unless it's that time and you're those
   people, you can't go to Death Mountain the way
   things are, hya hya.

Schala Mirage

Belthasar seems to be hallucinating and seeing Schala or mistaking Marle or Lucca for her.

OLD MAN: Schala...I've missed you so...
Man: Sara......? It's been so long......

Nu Exchange

Belthasar's exchange with the Nu differs from the original.

STRANGE CREATURE: I am pleased you
   think me worthy, O wise one!
   I await your final program code!

OLD MAN: Now, don't go getting all
   emotional on me, critter!
   Back to work, now!


Old Man: If you're looking forward to it that 
   much, then it's rewarding for me too.

   How's this? Getting to look a bit good, isn't it...…

Chapter 07: The Factory Ruins

Emergency Elevator

The original notes that the "emergency elevator is shut off." This is in error; it is a normal elevator, but is merely shut off due to the emergency of the power activation.

Chapter 08: The End of Time

Conservation of Time Theorem

The CoT Theorem is detailed a tad more in the Japanese version, in which Gaspar states that it only acts if four or more beings from different time periods step into Gate, rather than just four beings as the NA version describes.

Magic History

In the Japanese version, Spekkio talks about the fall of Zeal and how humans were never able to use magic again. He then notes that this inability excludes the Mystics, who can still use it. This was badly mangled in the NA release, where Mystics was replaced by "wizards."

   Long before you were born...
   ...there was a kingdom where magic
   Everyone there could use it!

   But in time, people began to abuse
   their powers. It got so bad that no
   one was allowed to use magic except
   Long before you guys were born.... there was
   a kingdom that prospered by magic.
   In that world, everyone used magic.

   But that country drowned in magical power
   and was destroyed.…
   After that, people became unable to use
   magic. Except for the Demons.

God of War

If you beat Spekkio in the NA version, he notes that he's embarassed, then says "See, I AM the God of War!" The Japanese version is much less confusing, since the English translation cut out an important line.

SPEKKIO: Wait a sec!
   I'M the Master of War!
Spekkio: It's some kinda mistake! I'm the god of war!
   Oh, that's it, it's because I taught you magic
   that you could win!

A little farther down, the same situation occurrs after Spekkio gives the party items.

SPEKKIO: I AM the Master of War!
   Whew! Sometimes I scare myself!
Spekkio: I'm the god of war! So generous!

Robo's Magic

In the English release, Spekkio notes that he can't measure Robo's inner strength, and resultingly can't give him magic. This is bogus, as originally, Spekkio was meant to say that Robo did not descend from the ancient peoples who could use magic. Not only does this make sense, but it is an important corroboration of the generally accepted idea that magic was a biologically-born ability that evolved in humans after contact with the Frozen Flame in 3000000 B.C. The same rule goes for Ayla.

Chapter 09: The Village of Magic

Melchior's Wisdom

One of Melchior's lines was badly mangled in the English translation. This is the original:

Bosch: Weapons, see...
   They aren't things to take life.
   They should be things to revive.

And here is the translation:

MELCHIOR: Weapons...
   If there weren't evil in this world,
   there would be no need for

   What a sad state of affairs...

Chapter 10: The Hero Appears

Three Warriors

The English game notes that Magus already defeated three fierce warriors. This was meant to read that he had finally deployed his three generals, Flea, Ozzie, and Slash.

 [Wounded Soldier]
   Magus has already defeated 3
   fierce warriors.
 [Wounded Soldier]
   That damn Magus finally threw his three great
   generals into the battle.

Fiona's Villa

Fiona and Marco actually grew up in the forest on central Zenan. The English translation omits this fact, skipping to "the forest means a lot to [them]."


There is no organization known as the Knights of the Squaretable in the Japanese version of the game. Combatants are simply called "Royal Knights."

Chapter 11: Tata and the Frog

Dreamstone's Use

Dreamstone was never used as money, as it stated in the English trasnlation. In the original, Melchior simply stated that it was valued above gold in ancient times.

Melchior Dialogue

In the English version, this confusing dialogue takes place:

Lucca: Why would your name be
   engraved on the sword?


   It's a...long story.

MELCHIOR: You do want to hear this
   story, right?

Marle: Yes!
   Tell us about the Masamune!

Lucca: Of course!
   Tell us about the Masamune!

Marle: Can you fix it somehow?

Lucca: Is it possible to reforge it?

It's much clearer in the Japanese original:

Lucca: Why is your name carved on this
   sword, I wonder?

Bosch: ....

   That is.... it's a long story, but.…

Bosch: Your coming to visit wasn't in order to ask
   about that, was it?

Marle: That's right! The Grandleon!

Lucca: That's right! The Grandleon!

Marle: Can't you somehow put it back the way it was?

Lucca: Is it possible to restore it?

In the NA version, he asks if they want to hear the story, they agree that they want him to tell it, and then he says nothing else about it and no one seems to care. However, in the original, he's changing the subject ahead of time by asking why they came in the first place. Marle and Lucca's aren't so much agreement (like "Of course!" and "Yes!" in the NA version) as they are a startled "Oh, that's right, how could I almost forget we came here to get this thing fixed!" kind of meaning.

Tata's Sailing

The allusion to spacefaring was added in the NA localization.

 [Old Man]
   Oh, my grandson!

   He secretly told me, «My next goal is to
   command the Super Legendary Space
   Ship, XR-RX!»

The translated version reads,

 [Old Man]
   What, he's my grandchild.
   Tartar won't be crushed by something like this.
   He secretly told me……

   "My next goal is to be a super legendary sailor
   special deluxe!!"
   he said.
   Ha ha ha…!!!

Chapter 12: The Rare Red Rock

Ayla Joke

There's a bit of a bisexual joke when Ayla and Crono first meet. Ayla notes:

Ayla: Yous strong too.
   Ayla like strong people.
   Even if man, even if woman.

To which Marle and Lucca reply:

Marle: What's that supposed to mean?

Lucca: I, I'm not into girls!

This was changed to "respect" in Ayla's case and "Marle: Oh, brother..." "Lucca: Where have they been keeping her?" concerning the player characters.

Rock Crash

The "Poi" soup of the NA version is actually pure sake. Ayla notes that they make a cocktail with it called the "Rock Crash."

Lucca Gets Plastered

Lucca becomes horrendously drunk from the Rock Crash sake. Of course, this was edited out of the NA version.

Lucca: Hey, hey! Aincha a man!
   Allit once, like gulp, gulp.…

Lucca: urp.…..

Lucca: Ya shay ya not gunna drink mah sake? 

Chapter 14: The Masamune!

Cyrus Flashback Note

In the English version, Frog remarks that it hurts when the mean kids hit him. In the Japanese version, it is revealed that he actually meant to say he was afraid to hit them, because it would hurt for them as well.

Chapter 15: Magus' Castle

Slash Description

Soy Sauce is literally termed 'outside method sword fighter'. Two dictionary entries might apply to 外法: one is a Buddhist term for heresy, the other is a sort of demonic arts linked to tengu or using skulls.

   ...the swordsman, Slash, and Flea, the
   The Dark Arts Swordsman Soy Sauce, the
   Void Mage Mayonnaise. And!


Flea ends all his speech with "yo ne," which sounds like the end of his Japanese name "Mayone," or Mayonnaise. It's intended to be sickingly cutesy. He also uses the tough female tone of dialogue, like Ayla (without Ayla's tendency to talk like a cavewoman).

Frog and Slash

The two swordsmen had more of a mutual respect for each other. There was no "Sir Slush" joke; in fact, they never really insulted one another, and Slash congratulated Frog on defeating him before escaping. Slash was much more a proper knight than his backbiting NA counterpart.

Magus Notes

  • In the NA version, Frog notes that he loves his new amphibian form, and owes it all to Magus. In the Japanese original, Frog actually gave a reason for this, noting that because of his status as a Frog, he was able to obtain the Masamune.
  • In the original, Magus noted that the party should leave him alone (presumably so he could finish the Lavos summoning). This was lost to "I bet you're just dying to use it!!!" in the English version.
  • The line "What have you done to the Masamune?", which suggests something special has been done to the sword, was originally, "Magus: Y, you, the Grandleon, that far....", simply an expression of disbelief at how strong Frog had become.

Chapter 16: Forward to the Past

Mystic Mountain Dream

Ayla did not have a "strange dream" that told her of her friends' placement on Mystic Mountain, but instead merely wanted to meet them and coincidentally found them there. This revelation was completely invented by the NA translation.

Ayla's Talk

When Ayla talked with the Laruba elder in the Japanese version, things were a little more specific. Particularly, Ayla noted that the rule of "win and live, lose and die" is the "law of the earth," not simply a "rule of life." She references the law of the earth again when she notes in the Tyrano Lair that she will take down Azala (this was changed to "end things" in the translation). Additionally, Ayla told the Laruba elder that she did not fight because she was powerful, but fought to gain power. The difference was lost in the English translation. Lastly, Ayla did not tell the elder that he was "dead on the inside," but merely said that he was not dead, but not truly alive, either.

Chapter 17: Unnatural Selection?

Nizbel confusingly notes in the NA version that "the great Nizbel was defeated here!" Nizbel originally was meant to say, "you can reach Azala only by getting through me, Nizbel...who came back!" He was triumphantly announcing his return.

Chapter 18: The Magic Kingdom

Frog is Glenn

Once 600 A.D. is accessible again, you can talk to the knights and hear them celebrate victory over Magus. In the Japanese version, it was implied that the Knight Captain realized Frog was Glenn.

 [Knight Captain]
   We destroyed Magus's troops and
   we owe it all to Crono.

   Frog, you're magnificent...!
   I knew you'd do it...
   I was thinking 'bout making you
   «Knight Captain!»
 [Knight Captain]
   Our overcoming of Magus's army was thanks to
   our unity and, above all else, to Crono-dono and
   the others.

   Frog, might you......?

   No, there's no mistaking it.
   I'm thinking about leaving the knight captaincy to you.

Doreen's Philosophy

It seems the classic butterfly dream example was inserted purely by the localization team, as Doreen's words in the Japanese version were different.

   The world that you see with your eyes and the
   world that I see with my eyes may be
   completely different things.

   Okay? The universe is only a number of lives
   that exist. Don't think that only what you can see and
   touch are reality.

Profound Dreaming

The man in Enhasa originally said something more profound.

 [Young man]
   Truths exist in dreams...
   Herbal tea...zzz...crystals...zzz...
 [Young man]
   Zzz, zzz.
   It is within dreams that there is reality.
   It is within me that there is the universe.

Who cares?

The Zeal man in Kajar's speech was more thoughtful in the Japanese version.

 [Young Man]
   How did we come by our skills?
   And why do others lack them?
   Who cares!
 [Young Man]
   Where might our powers have come from in the
   first place?

   Why do both those with the power of arts and those
   without exist......?

Janus and Schala aren't step-siblings

The idea that Janus is Schala's step-brother is erroneous.

 [Young Man]
   I heard Schala's powers far exceed
   those of her mother.
   Then there's her step-brother, Janus.
   He's of royal blood, but he doesn't
   seem to have a speck of magic.
 [Young Man]
   This is just a rumor, but they say Sara-sama's
   magical powers far surpass even the powers
    of her mother the Queen.

   Her brother Jyaki-sama, on the other hand...…
   Even though he is of the royal lineage, it
   seems he has absolutely no magical powers.

Beings Born of Dreams

A woman in Zeal made a vague, sort of philosophical comment in the English version. But in actuality, this was meant to be something much more real. This woman seems to be explaining the existence of the Dream species, like Masa, Mune, and Turnip.

 [Young Woman]
   Beings that are born of dreams, must
   return to them...

   The power of Lavos can make hopes
   and dreams come true...
 [Young Woman]
   Born of dreams, returning to dreams...…
   Beings such as that exist as well.

   At times, human prayers and desires borrow
   the power of Lavos-sama and materialize.

Melchior Tidbit

Judging from the Japanese version, the party was not supposed to know that Melchior was the Guru of Life yet. When Masa and Mune spoke of him in Zeal Palace, they simply noted that the "Sage of Life" hadn't been around lately. In the English version, they outright call him Melchior, perhaps spoiling the surprise on Mt. Woe.

Schala's Amulet

Schala gives Janus an Amulet to quell his fears before the activation of the Mammon Machine. However, in the Japanese original, Schala noted that she had imbued her prayers within the amulet. This was lost in translation.

Sealed Door Notes

  • When Frog notes that he can't do anything about the sealed door, he uses the Japanese expression 手も足も出ない (te mo ashi mo denai), referring to a complete inability to do anything about a situation. Frog throws ベロ (BERO), tongue, in with 手 (te), hand, and 足 (ashi), foot, because he's a frog.
  • In the English translation, Frog asks "what doth challenge us now" after the door opens. In the original, he asked, "will an ogre appear, or will a snake appear?" Frog's line is a saying that basically means there's no telling what comes next. And, frogs don't get along with snakes.

Dalton! Ten-hut!

Fans have long thought that Dalton was leader of Zeal's security forces. This is proven by the Zeal guard "Basher"'s Japanese name -- "Dalton Corps".

Chapter 19: Break the Seal!

Belthasar's Mission

While in the NA version Belthasar simply states that he longs for Zeal in his pre-Epoch speech, in the Japanese version he directly states that he was building the Epoch precisely to take him home. Sadly, he died before he could accomplish this.

Lavos Note

The English version suggests that Lavos existed on Death Peak or within the mountain after erupting. This was a contrivance.

   In 1999, Lavos claims this area, and
   reigns from high atop Death Peak.

   Lavos continues to replicate......
   like a giant parasite, he is consuming
   our world.
   Kingdom Year 1999
   It at last makes the surface its territory too.

   And then, perhaps as if laying eggs, it gives
   birth to its own offshoots, one after another,
   from the place I called Death Mountain.

   Lavos is an enormous parasite that nests in
   the planet itself.

Chapter 20: The Guru on Mt. Woe

Janus's Hidden Power

In the English version, the Elder notes that Janus has a huge magical power that he's hiding. He says that Janus must be using the power to get close to Lavos. Ted Woolsey, bless him, accidentally screwed up the meaning of this line. It was meant to say:

Elder: I heard from the Sages-sama that
   Jyaki-sama hides an amazing magical power
   that surpasses even Sara-sama.

   However, he hates that power, which drives
   the Queen mad and torments Sara-sama, and
   together with his heart...He has shut that power away.

This means Janus was reluctant to use the magic that drove the wild and unchecked ambitions of Zeal.

Chapter 21: What Lies Beyond?

Schala / Sky Gate

Schala didn't create the sky gate as stated in the English version.

   It's likely that Dalton came here using
   the Skyway that Schala created.
   Dalton probably came to this village through the
   Sky Road that Sara-sama opened.

Chapter 22: Lavos Beckons

Lucca's Science

In the English version, Lucca notes that science has finally failed her. This was a bad translation, implying that she outright gave up at that moment. In the Japanese, she said, "Lucca: In, in such a situation, my science....As if I can just let it lose...."


Magus's quotes in the JP version at the End of Time are cooler than the ones in the NA version. The kill quote was probably trimmed by censors.

Magus: Going my way?

Magus: Now we've got a winning

Magus: The weak always strive to
   be weaker...
Magus: You need my power, right......?

Magus: If it seems like you're going to hinder me, I'll
   kill you...…

Magus: The weaker they are, the tougher they act...…

Chapter 23: The New King

Woman's Dialogue

In the NA version, a woman notes she's glad you're back to health. She's meant to say that she's glad the boy (probably her son) has regained his energy.

   Glad to see you've all recovered!
   Thank goodness…..
   He's completely regained his energy.

The Nu's Enterprise

In the Japanese version, the man from Zeal notes that his Nu companion is selling things that wash up on the shore. The NA release omits this tidbit.

 [Young Man]
   Check back with him, because his
   wares vary from time to time.
 [Young Man]
   It seems he's collecting things that wash up here
   and selling them.
   What he's selling might change after some time

Dalton's Trick

In the original game, when Dalton was attempting to subjugate the party, he said "look over there!" to confuse them before blasting them with a variety of fireballs. Compare to Marty McFly's use of "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!" with Biff in Back to the Future. This was simply changed to "How's this?" in the NA version, losing the meaning completely.

Chapter 24: The Time Egg

Seed's Creator

If you ask the woman in Last Village who previously had the seed from the Guru of Life, she'll note that she still has it and that it was given to her by the Guru of Time. The Japanese version correctly credits the Guru of Life (Melchior) in both instances, confirming he is the sole creator.


Concerning the Nu who sleeps "beyond the flow of time," the Japanese version more directly states that time does not flow for this Nu any longer.

Poyozo Doll

Though a minor detail, it is interesting to note that in the Japanese version, the Poyozo Dolls say "EXECUTING HIGHEST PROGRAM!" instead of merely "Executing Program."

Chapter 25: The Fated Hour

Gaspar (Make me a member of your team!)

Gaspar notes that if the party would thank him, they should make him a member of the team. This has been used to fuel the idea that Gaspar was going to be the eighth playable character. However, this was an erroneous translation. In the Japanese, he never mentions making him a team member. The line in question is the fourth one from the top. The confusion likely came from the _にする, which can indeed mean "make [someone/something] into _". It can't mean that here, though. The most obvious reason is that he uses the explicit plural 仲間達 (companions), and it doesn't make any sense in Japanese or English to say "make me your companions".

Taking the beginning of the sentence into account, the phrase should be read as 仲間達に[かんしゃ]する, with an implied かんしゃ (thanks), taken from the first half of the sentence. This unambiguously translates to "express thanks to companions". In short, the first half of his above speech means, "Don't thank me, thank your companions."

Gaspar (One if you is close to someone...)

OLD MAN: One of you is close to
   someone who needs help...
   Find this

The gist of the Japanese statement:

For matters regarding each time era,
speak to someone here for information.
If it's about the things in your own
time period, there's somebody in your
group that knows. You should ask them.
Everyone knows about their own eras best.
You should ask them.

Fiona's Shrine

この神殿の奥には、ご神体である		   Within this temple, the holy relic of
ロボ様が安置されています。[END]		   Robo-sama is enshrined.

This is a bit of a loose translation. 神体 (shintai) actually refers to an object in which the spirit of a deity resides, and the line seems to indicate that they consider Robo to be an inanimate object that was animated by a god.

Fiona's Lineage

Fiona is probably descended from the Zeal Plant Woman.

FIONA: This Mystic seedling could revive
   the forest, but I can't plant it. Too
   many hungry monsters lurking about.
Fiona: If I were to plant this seedling with mysterious
   powers that was passed down for generations, it
   could even restore this desert to green earth, but...…

   I can't plant it with monsters nesting in the desert

Lucca's Maturation

One facet of her quest to save her mother was lost in the English translation. Specifically, her diary entry before the disaster was written in third person, suggesting immaturity. The entries afterwards are written in first, representing maturity. Additionally, Lucca's reason for not wanting to learn science initially was that she'd be a "normal bride" and wouldn't have to worry about stuff like that. Interestingly, if Lucca inputs the password, the "good" journal entry is sort of in between first and third person, suggesting she did not grow up as much as she would have had the tragedy occurred and shocked her.

Lavos: Not an Apocalypse?

In the English version, Mother Brain seems to want to stop the Lavos spawn from finding other planets with a nationa of steel. This is different from the Japanese version, in which Mother Brain explicitly notes that the planet will recover from Lavos's destruction. This is a major plot point, as it means Lavoid presence does not spell final doom for a planet. It also identifies Mother Brain's motives as purely selfish.

   This planet WILL recoVER.
   If only humans weren't here...…

   And the new world of we robots WOULD be
   A country of iron...... a utopia with neither
   hatred nor sorrow.

Ozzie's Fort Notes

The localization team must have fallen asleep at the wheel with Ozzie's Fort, as there are many lost nuances and other changes.

  • In the Japanese version, when Ozzie first welcomes the party to his fort, he notes that it is the "Great Magus Ozzie's," meaning he's attached the same title of Magus to his name and an intensifier. How vain can he be? This was lost in the English translation, in which he was simply the "Great Ozzie."
  • In the Japanese original, it is noted that Ozzie lifted most of the treasure out of Magus's Lair before it fell.
  • When Ozzie meets the party later on, he tries to say "nice to meet you" in horrible English. Since there really is no way to preserve this nuance, it was left out of the English translation. The retranslation script simply marks it with bad English.
  • Slash is once again very proper and respectful. While in the English translation he notes that "slicing and dicing ya...seems kind of fun," in the Japanese original he states he is very reluctant to cross swords with his former ruler, Magus, but that fate has apparently decided it is to be.
  • While Ozzie claims that the three special items make the Mystical Knights invincible in the English translation and then immediately fights, his Japanese original dialogue was more of a threat. The gist of his statement there is that he'd beat the party to a lifeless, unrecognizable pulp.
  • Magus directly states in the JP version that he started the Mystic war only to gain power.
  • Originally, Ozzie was angry with Magus for lying about wanting to create a world for the Mystics. Somehow, this became a "world of evil" in the English translation, making Ozzie seem more villainous.
  • Magus's English response, which asked if Ozzie could hear the sound of the reaper, was originally a question asking if Ozzie could hear the Black Wind.
  • Additionally, in that statement, Magus says that he just wanted power when he used the Mystics. This confirms beyond a doubt that the entire war and uprising was likely a ploy just to secure Magus the necessary faculties to summon Lavos. His desire of power was somehow omitted from the English version.

Choras Carpenter

Relating to the Cyrus sidequest, the Carpenter of 1000 A.D. (whose tools you borrow) was characterized as a legendary drunk who spent all his time at the café. In addition to his sake being revised to "soda," two references about him getting "drunk off his ass" were also dropped in the English translation.

Frog / Masamune Dialogue

The dialogue here is different. The localization team skipped over the real point of Masa & Mune's words -- that the will is supreme, and is meant for doing, not crying over past sins. Frog was holding back the pure strength of his will by feeling sorry for Cyrus and hating himself for that incident. This message relates to the central theme and heart of the Chrono series and the definition of "Chrono Trigger," which states that if one unleashes one's will upon the world, one can change history. Apparently, the note that Frog shouldn't bother feeling hurt and that the will was not for atoning sins was too religious, and warranted its omission from the English translation.

Leon: You were troubled, weren't you.

Gran: The hero's strength is strength of will!

Leon: It's not for atoning sins or anything like that.

Gran: Your will, just now, had true strength!

Frog: My...... will......!

Leon: With this, we can let out our power
   without reservations too, big brother!

Sun Stone

Robo had a quote in the English ROM that exactly quantified the time needed to recharge the Sun Stone. It is a fabrication of the localization team, as Robo does not give any number or estimate in the original version of the game.

Rainbow Shell

  • The maid is considerably more in love with Toma than the NA version lets on.
   I wish Toma would stay put for a	   
   I wish he would stay in this town forever...…
  • Instead of noting that the party is a riot a minute, Toma says that the sake he drinks with the party is the best of all as he returns to the afterlife from appearing at his grave in 1000 A.D.
  • Instead of remarking that it is drab, in the Japanese version Magus fashionably notes "the color doesn't suit [him]."
  • In the English version, the King says that Marle was saying "Daddy, it's fun having all my favorite people here!" as Queen Aliza passed. This was distorted from the original, in which Marle stated that she simply had a lot of people she liked.
  • The English version gives Robo the line, "although I have no emotions, there is something warm..." after he reads the letter from Leene. This contradicts emotional behavior shown by Robo in the game. In the Japanese original, Robo said that he did not have parents, so that he could not understand the bond between parent and child. The problem of emotions was somehow added in translation; perhaps the localization team were fans of Data from TNG?
  • Ayla's lines after the letter from Leene were slightly doctored to omit references to nursing babies. Here's the original dialogue.
Ayla: Oh, leave nest!
   Ayla understand that too!
   Pteran leave nest too.
   When time pass, leave nest!

   Marle leave nest too?
   That great!

Ayla: Leave nest! Sleep!
   Bear kids! Give boobs!
   And then kids leave nest again!

Ayla: You be okay?
   Not have boobs...…

It's clear from the concept art that Marle does have breasts, but of a modest size (unlike Ayla and most other anime females), and her clothing is fairly baggy as well. It seems that Ayla is concerned that Marle may have trouble nursing her future kids, and doesn't realize that saying this could be considered embarrasing or insulting.

  • Toma XIII mentions Crono in passing as the person who found the shell.
TOMA XIII: Ancient scrolls tell us that if
   you combine the Rainbow Shell with a
   Sun Stone, you can make a fearsome
Toma the 13th: Know about the legendary Sun Stone?

   Seems you can make an amazing weapon if you
   cross it with the rainbow shell treasure that Toma
   the 1st got beaten to by some {char1} person.

   Found that info in an ancient book.

Black Omen

Concerning Queen Zeal's way of referring to herself, わらわ is a rare humble female version of 'I'. It may be appropriate in this situation that the kanji for it, 妾, also means 'concubine'.

Chapter 26: The Final Battle

Magus's Fair Fight

In the NA version, Magus seems to doubt the plan of crashing the Epoch into Lavos. In the JP version, he was noting that they might as well, since the chances of winning in a fair fight were not good, either.

Magus: This is a losing proposition...
Magus: There's no chance of winning if we fight
   fair, either...…

Magus Evolution Statement

In the NA version, Magus noted that Lavos had been "controlling evolution for its own purposes." This makes it seem as if Lavos were actively guiding evolution. In fact, the only known instance of this is humanity's contact with the Frozen Flame. In the Japanese version, Magus merely says that Lavos has been "making the evolution of all life...its own," which is similar to the other party members' statements that Lavos is merely harvesting certain traits for his own evolution. It is far removed from the sweeping statement that Lavos controlled absolutely everything.

Ending: Beyond Time

In the Japanese version, concept art of Crono and Marle would show after "The End" popped up. For unknown reasons, the graphics and art were completely removed from the US version of the game.


Ending: The Oath

Lucca's Respect

In the NA version, Lucca sort of ridicules Crono for sleeping so much. In the Japanese version, she was expressing a sort of begrudging, frustrating respect that he could simply fall asleep after having accomplished so much. The feeling is sort of a 'how can he possibly just fall asleep?'

Lucca: Man, that fool sleeps a lot.				
   We should make him help us!
Lucca: But I'm amazed he's sleeping.
   That idiot...…
   I wonder if we should wake him and make him help.

Magus's Note

In the NA version, Magus notes that the world is populated by cretins. The Japanese version isn't radically different, but does differ in the first line of this speech.

Magus: We Wizards and humans
   have brought about our own ruin...

   Except for you and I, this world is
   populated by cretins...

   The one who wins this battle...
    ...will rule the world...

   No, make that RULE THE FUTURE...
Magus: Both humans and we Demons have
   mostly let their lives drop...…

   Those aside from you and I who live are like
   unto worms……

   The one who lives when this battle ends will
   take the world……

   No, take the future in his hand...…

Generally meaning dying, but the imagery is interesting. He could literally mean that most are dead, or he could mean that they're so insignificant, or lacking in the qualities needed to bring about change and shape the future, that they are effectively 'dead' despite living.

Ending: A Slide Show?

The slide show ending is much raunchier in the Japanese version. So as to not spoil the jokes, please consult the Retranslation Script to find the humor.

From: Theory
