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-Belthasar arrives here with, as stated in Chrono Cross, a laboratory from Zeal.
-Belthasar arrives here with, as stated in Chrono Cross, a laboratory from Zeal.</pre>
=>2300 A.D. to 2400 A.D.
-He completes FATE by integrating the Mother Brain design with a more powerful
-Belthasar learns that Schala is trapped within the Time Devourer, and that the
resulting being can devour time itself.
-Belthasar, in a hugely complex act, plans all the events of Chrono Cross so
that Serge is empowered to defeat the Time Devourer and free Schala.
-The Prometheus circuit is covertly installed in FATE, escaping detection.
The circuit embodies Robo, who volunteered for Project Kid.
-Belthasar builds the Neo-Epoch and erects the framework for the Time Crash.
-Belthasar permanently leaves for the eleventh century to watch his plan unfold.
''From'': [[Chronology]]
''From'': [[Chronology]]

Revision as of 05:19, 14 August 2006

General Information

Game Information

Chrono Trigger

Age Name: Future
Music: Ruined World
Locations: Arris Dome, Bangor Dome, Death Peak, Factory, Geno Dome, Keeper's Dome, Lab 16, Lab 32, Proto Dome, Sewer Access, Sun Keep, Sun Palace, Trann Dome

The barren, desolate world of 2300 A.D. is the final stop in linear time for the party of Chrono Trigger, and without a doubt the most grave setting the player must visit. It is first seen when Crono, Marle, and Lucca arrive here after escaping the forces of the Chancellor. The ruined world darkly sits, only receiving few beams of light that bleed through the cloudy, black atmosphere. Wind howls and shifts the sands of destruction through the air, over cities gutted hundreds of years ago and absent of any life. Human civilization has been reduced to a scant number of dwellers in self-contained domes, a monotonous existence marked with an absence of hope and desire to live. Sustenance is granted through the Enertron, a device that, aside from preserving human function, cannot cure the ever-present feeling of being hungry. Life, in its most vital form, is in the hands of the machines who populate the Factory and the Geno Dome, where the Mother Brain AI conspires to create an order of steel. Robo, a former associate of the AI, lies dormant in the Proto Dome. And far away, Johnny races in Lab 32 and has developed a following of fans; this is the only glimpse of entertainment and fun in a world subjugated by hellfire. The Guru Belthasar also resides in this era, thrown here from the Ocean Palace Incident; even he is being driven to insanity, though he has completed the Epoch. He is not the only influence from Zeal -- the palace that once housed the Sun Stone has arisen from the bottom of the sea.

Crono's party first investigates the lower regions of the Arris Dome, discovering a seed that provides hope for its residents. Doan, leader of the Arris Dome and a descendant of Marle, gives the party his Bike Key for use in Lab 32. Johnny then challenges Crono to a race, and the player can earn prizes according to how long he spends in front of Johnny. Robo is soon discovered in the Proto Dome and activated by Lucca; he assists the party in opening the door to a Gate. Later on, the party returns to retrieve the Epoch, stored in the Keeper's Dome's hangar by Belthasar's Nu assistant. After the Ocean Palace Incident in the Keystone Timelines, the party returns to the era to ascend Death Peak, where Lavos is said to preside over the ruined world. The use of the Chrono Trigger here allows passage to the Ocean Palace in 12000 B.C. and the extraction of Crono a split-second before he is obliterated. The party then make two visits for sidequests. Firstly, the Sun Stone is found within the Sun Palace, guarded by the Son of Sun, and is taken to 65000000 B.C. to be recharged. It is then reclaimed from this era's Sun Keep (although the party must get it back from the Porre Mayor first). Lastly, Robo discovers his roots during a journey to the Geno Dome, resulting in the extinguishing of Mother Brain's twisted ambition and the death of Robo's friend, Atropos XR (though she will be fine in the new timeline after Lavos's defeat).





Lavos Timeline

-Doan, of the Guardia family line, directs the Arris Dome.
-A deceased resident of the Arris Dome holds a magic seed. 
-Belthasar continues work on the Epoch at the Keeper's Dome.
-Mother Brain murders humans at the Geno Dome in her plan to create a
robotic nation.
-Belthasar finishes the Epoch.

Keystone T-1


*Mother Brain murders humans at the Geno Dome in her plan to create a
robotic nation.
-Crono, Marle, and Lucca warp in from 1000 A.D. after being chased by the 
-Crono, Marle, and Lucca learn of the Day of Lavos in the Arris Dome, 
which is controlled by the Guardia Family line. 
-Crono, Marle, and Lucca decide to save the world from Lavos. 
-A magic seed is planted in the Arris Dome. 
-A man from the Arris Dome makes his way through the ruins and plants a seed 
from the magic seed in the Trann dome. 
-Crono, Marle, and Lucca discover Robo and repair him. 
-Robo decides to help save the world; the party then warps to the End of Time. 
-Belthasar finishes the Epoch ~ Wings of Time, and passes away. 
-Crono's party warps in from 65000000 B.C. to access the Epoch.
-Crono's party warps back to 12000 B.C. 
-Crono's party warps from the End of Time to ask Belthasar's Nu about the 
Chrono Trigger. 
-Crono's party warps to 1000 A.D. to retrieve a clone of Crono from Norstein 
-Crono's party returns from 1000 A.D. with the clone. 
-The Nu instructs Crono to climb Death Peak with the help of some Poyozo dolls. 
-Crono's party switches the Nu off. 
-Crono's party climbs Death Peak, fighting Lavos spawns along the way. 
-The Chrono Trigger shatters on top of Death Peak. 
-Crono's party is sent to the moment in which Crono died; time is frozen. 
-Crono's party replaces Crono with the doll, and returns to the End of Time. 
-Crono's party warps in from 1000 A.D. to defeat Mother Brain at the Geno Dome. 
-Crono's partly, with Robo in the lead, defeats Mother Brain. Robo is forced to 
kill his former love since she has been brainwashed by Mother Brain. 
-Crono's party flies to the Sun Palace, which has surfaced, to obtain the Sun 
-The Son of Sun attacks Crono's party. It is the Sun stone, resisting with its 
last bit of energy. 
-Crono's party defeats the Son of Sun, and obtains the Sun stone -- Now a moon 
-Crono's party warps to 65000000 B.C. to recharge the Sun stone. 
-Crono's party returns to 600 A.D. 
-Crono's party warps in from 1000 A.D. to pick up the Sun stone. 
-Crono's party warps back to 1000 A.D. to Lucca's house to craft the Sun stone. 
-Robo and Doan arrive here from 1000 A.D. to find a better future.


-Belthasar arrives here with, as stated in Chrono Cross, a laboratory from Zeal.

From: Chronology